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Free Coloring Pages

Coloring is perfect for anyone. It requires no previous skill or knowledge in art, but provides relaxation, and can even be a form of meditation as you get lost in the moment, let your mind drift, feel your blood pressure drop, and your breathing become slower and steadier.

Get lost in my coloring pages and take some time for self-care today.

Download Your Coloring Page


June Giveaway


Win 'Summer'

set of 4 coasters

from Society 6!

If you're already a much-appreciated reader of my weekly emails, you're automatically entered EVERY month! The Winner will be announced on June 30

Sign Up to Win:

Kate Moynihan

Society 6 Products

For more fun and functional

artsy products,

check out my Society6 store for:

My monthly-ish e-news offers bits of artsy and inspirational tips, info about new artwork and events, and special offers. You can unsubscribe at any time!

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Kate Moynihan Artist

©2024 Kate Moynihan Artist

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